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Cookies & Trackers : does your website abide by the legislation ?

Cookies & trackers :
does your website abide by the legislation ?

As of April 1st, 2021, all websites are required to get their visitors explicit consent to use cookies. The new regulation is closely monitored by the CNIL, which carries out numerous audits.

We will make it easier for you to see if your website complies with these new regulations.

Gestion des cookies sur un site internet

What's a cookie ?

You have probably thought about the famous chocolate chip cookie? While we are very fond of cookies at the Atelier Cassis, a cookie is actually a small file stored on your computer when browsing a website. For example, it allows you to save your basket on a website or display targeted advertisements related to your research.

How does this affect my website beginning April 1st, 2021?

The regulations have become stricter. If you have a website, you are now required to :

What cookies do I need to monitor on my website ?

You must take into account these new requirements if your website uses the following features :

This list is not all-inclusive. But it identifies the major uses of cookies.

How can I get consent from a visitor through my website ?

The French Data Protection Authority (CNIL) has a template for a banner that allows you to obtain the proper consent of your visitors.
You can find all the information on this website (french version).

Modèle de bandeau pour obtenir un consentement valide

Are there any specific exceptions ?

The use of some cookies is sometimes necessary for the proper functioning of a website. Their use does not necessarily require the consent of internet users.

I'm lost and I don't know how to do this... Is this a thing you could help me with ?

Certainly, we know that this may sound technical. Don't be afraid to contact us to carry out a free audit of your website. .

For further information, we also invite you to check this website (CNIL).

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